incredible price per acre evaluation. Welcome to your paradise on a whole 60 acres! 4 bedroom per site, was confirmed a few years ago and can be reinstated. This property boasts not one but two completed concrete monolithic domes. Monolithic domes require a fraction of what it cost to heat and cool a traditional stick built home. They are also incredibly resilient against mother nature i. e. tornadoes. There are an additional 3 storage buildings each having their own electric! This property has lots of trails that meander in and out of the woods and along the pastures. A lot of them would make fantastic off- road trails! Candidly this property has truly limitless potentials, a wedding venue, just a plain ole farm or my personal favorite, a great place to hide from the federal government! All kidding aside this property is absolutely incredible. MAKE AN OFFER!
Take 840 E. to Jefferson Pike exit, take a left onto cut off road, take a left onto Lebanon Road just as you are crossing over the Rutherford county Wilson County line the home will be on right, sign at driveway