UNRESTRICTED lot* Hard to find an unrestricted lot in Wilson County- WHERE ARE MY BARNDO, TINY HOME or INVESTOR BUYERS? * 3rd lot down from corner of Eastland Dr & Cainsville Rd* Across road from Heartland Subd** Seller has SEPTIC PERMIT for one bedroom in hand*( no septic system currently installed) * NICE lot mainly OPEN/ ROLLING with a few SCATTERED TREES* driveway off Cainsville Rd* near town- not in city limits* Seller says water tap already on property-$ 42 per mo. currently* great opportunity for a BARNDOMINIUM/ PERMANENT CAMPER* Please make appointment before walking over land
From Nashville, I-40 East to exit 239A; right on Maddox-Simpson Pkwy just after exiting I-40; go to STOP sign and turn left on Cainsville Road; property on left 3 lots past commercial building on corner. See black and yellow sign.